She finds escape in an unexpected ally, the beastly and terrifying, Sandor Gl. Those had been taken from her as well. Her grief had festered and carried its own odor. Hed never known a more horrific combination of burning and itching in all his life. For thousands of years, House Stark was stronger than all of them- holding the north with mages who could command winter herself. There were times when she hopelessly struggled to drag the cumbersome ornate furniture of her chambers in an attempt to bar the door. A short story imagining the aftermath of such an action. Sansa did not truly hear his words however, because her gaze was fixed upon the inner walkway of the wall. Her body instinctively stiffened as she forced herself to look upon the hateful gaze of her husband to be. Sansa Stark has fled Winterfell, and has reunited with Jon Snow. I had wanted to tag the relationship for this story as Sansa Stark/Desmera Redwyne but for some reason was unable to so the OC female character here is actually Desmera Redwyne. whispered Sansa. Sansa Stark is neither- an outcast in her own family, no matter how hard she prays. On the rarest occasion, she was even brave enough to run towards the danger with a golden candelabrum in her hands ready to strike. Or the one where the Starks are totally made up of everyone else's collective bullshit, and happily set fate on fire simply because they're a very, very, very petty pack, thank you very much. While; Lyarra Snow, the bastard of Winterfell, finds herself in the cold bitter lands of the far North. After her father's execution, Queen Rose Stark is crowned by her bannermen and faces war against King Joffrey. erase una voz femenina, suave, gentil, hermosa como el canto de un arpa, no obstante tambin erase fra, distante, el tono de un rey, la criatura frente a l no poda ser otra cosa que eso: un rey. hound and sansa fanfictionasbury park press classifieds. Partially inspired by Akastuki no Yona, this was part of my NaNoWriMo entry for 2018. ), (One child loves war, one loves to build, and the other loves the people. mostly jonsa.these differ from the tumblr asks as these are ideas that have come from my own creation / inspirations. Can Brienne open her heart to him, and take the chance to love someone again? Three, when they told her she would marry Joffrey.Fourth and fifth could come together: both times she have slept with men. Life is not truly a song. The pain she caused herself kept Sansa from wrenching free of cruel soft hands the moment his flesh made contact with her own. Sansa dug the nails of her free hand into her palm and drew blood. Destiny fucks Alethia over once more. When Cersei dies giving birth to a stillborn Tommen; King Robert Baratheon decides to ride North and claim the Stark bride he'd thus far been denied. They did not speak, nor did Sansa wish for idle prattle. He was given a clean death instead.". Sansa Stark had once had dreams of the same songs and tales as Desmera but it did not take long for her dreams to turn to nightmares. Sansa could not bring herself to regret the decision. She was no longer that child, young and innocent. Sansa Stark and Sandor Clegane take their first big trip together, but their connecting flight gets canceled and they have to spend the night in a practically empty airport. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 2022 Game of Thrones Complete Series Vol. The Hound had Arya in his care for almost two seasons, and they ran into trouble all the time. In a twist of fate, Sansa Stark is not stopped by Sandor when she attempts to throw herself and King Joffrey from the ramparts when he forces Sansa to look upon her father's head. Sansa stopped carrying, rather following the Hound's advice and being a little bird in a red cage. The birth of triplets in the Stark family is something that is greatly celebrated, because every other time triplets were born to House Stark, they changed the North forever. My short story is very much inspired by these what-if type of tales. 6 pages September 27, 2013 Dream Catcher. if aught but death part thee from me. And Joffrey was crushing her. Two, when they killed her father. Wipe yourself!". Sansa Stark, back in the restored Winterfell after the War of the Five Kings. No one ever expected Quentyn Martell to ever rise to the heights he did. Der Hund hat Sansa aus Knigsmund, durch den Krieg heim nach Winterfell gebracht. He runs away from knighthood, thusly running away from AGOT. Lyarra Snow, or Rhaena Targaryen, watched as friends and family fell to the dead's blades one by one to join the Night King's army. She screamed as she noted their lifeless expressions. Jaime/StarkOFC | Follows series | Tension +++, AKA: "A lion lusting after a wolfPathetic. As they take and lose power, they are drawn to each other, and must fight side by side against their common enemies. Please consider turning it on! The Long Night was a blood bath, and the battle for the Dawn was becoming a lost cause. Youyou promised to be merciful! Only Jon, who keeps the secret of his own magic, comes close to understanding. There was no place to hide within the confined area of the chambers from his cold dead eyes. Joffrey makes them do it - again, and again, and again. Hand turns loom. Press J to jump to the feed. The eldest daughter of the Warden of the North seems to have up and vanished. Sandor didn't blame her for it, seeing as most of the people there either disliked her intensely or meant her serious harm. It changes everything.Or, how walking in on a hurt and upset Daenerys just a few hours after having met her ends up being the best thing to have happened to Jon in his entire life. Shed helped defeat the Dead, and then shed made a vow to never fight again. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (20), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (21), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (10), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (5), One by One the Walls Give Way (but do not hide your face), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, a castle full of OCs as Winterfell's personnel, total and utter disregard for most of season 8, a corset in a world where corsets don't exist, i'm a fire and i'll keep your brittle heart warm, and when he doesn't pick up on it she has to be a little more clear for sweet oblivious Jon, Redamancy (n.) - the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full, well as slow as it can get with sansa already being preggo with jon's baby, but they don't know that for quite some time. Nach dem Tod des Knigs Robert Baratheon entwickelt sich Sansa Starks Leben am Hofe schnell in einen ungleichen Alptraum, als sie von Knigin Cersei und dem neuen Knig, ihrem Verlobten Joffrey Baratheon, pltzlich als eine Figur im aufgekommenen Krieg missbraucht wird. *Follows book canon with a little bit of show canon*. The fire is no comfort, as it is only death. The Gods' granted them one last chance to win and Rhaena was going to take it. ?what the fuck??? She thought the climb a nightmare, but the true horror awaited her above on the ramparts. Whrend der Reise haben beide Seiten Vertrauen gefasst, sich aneinander gewhnt. He is also no pov, so in the end we can't be sure what's in his head. Please. Having fun with the hound. They accidentally go back in time to the day when everything went to fiery hell in a handheld basket. No one ever told her it would be so lonely until a particular newly-minted knight slips into her heart, so quickly, so softly, she doesn't even realize it. Ned Stark never expected for his life to change from a falling star. Rhaenyra has spent the past five years yearning for excitement. Her lifeblood spilled and stained, leaving a once unblemished face red and blotchy with two thin slashes that ran down her cheeks. By Posted christian dior bracelet In hillsboro high school football coaching staff ", Sansa knew her mistake for certain when she saw Joffrey's nostrils flare and his gaze upon her burned with even greater loathing than moments before. Como resultado, Lady Lyanna Stark queda embarazada en el ao 281, pero su padre, Lord Rickard Stark lo oculta hasta que el nio nace y 3 meses despus su hija consigue escapar con el prncipe como en el Canon, dando inicio a la rebelin. Once down there, Sansa throws herself into the work, learning and teaching as she goes, doing everything she can to save every victim. Starkcest. Vanished, and yet somewhere Beyond the Wall she sits, sits shaken but unharmed, meets him and it all slots together, like the sun and the moon aligning. Fighting the enemy of the realm will not be simple though. She could not, would not trust benign touches or kind words in this place. . The sound of his boots ascending the tower was heard, much like the innumerous versions of her same nightmare. After Lord Baelish had made Aunt Lysa fly from the Moondoor, Sansa had fled to Sweetrobin. A storm is coming and she knows she and Lady can't stay in her car. His behavior towards Sansa and Arya is definitely verbally abusive and very toxic at times. Written for the SanSan Writer's Guild's Season of Love 2023 event. As Jon Arryn's death h. "You are my special lady, Arienne, and I will love from this day, until my last day." Fire has to power to heal, or to burn. I think Id better surrender the endeavor to comprehend your meaning altogether, since I seem to understand you so little., He doubted very much she would surrender anything so willingly. A veces, los pequeos detalles en las personas pueden traer grandes cambios al mundo. Living in a cramped home with her parents, siblings, aunts, cousins, cousin turned brother (Pod), and very reluctant Grandpa, Joanna navigates the world as she comes of age. His army plans to take back Winterfell and the control of the North. The knight slashed through tables and chairs. This is part of an ongoing challenge and will be revealed soon! She pictured a knife through his heart, or poison in his wine, but did not voice such thoughts. Based on the show. It was no question of who his father was. So, the lords of the Vale have started questioning Sansa very sharply. Married Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark. Instead of playing off against one another, the three outcasts form a unit, and begin to plot and plan, attempting to wrest power back from those in charge Cersei, Joffrey, and Tywin. The first child was a boy, Beron Stark. Please consider turning it on! When the king dies and Joffrey becomes king Larrisa's life becomes hell. But then one of the fortress maids knocks on the door and tells him to prepare for the arrival of the royal entourage. This one is your father. Elements of Robin Hood and some Once Upon a Time Snowing parallels included as well. Sansa became so entangled in warring emotions that her second mistake of the morning was made when vehement thoughts shot from her mouth. until they don't. Are there other obstacles on their path to happiness? Slight tech uplift. "It's okay, Snow. Only then had Sansa realized that Joffrey and she were not alone in her chambers. She knew what it was to lose a beloved parent, and now, just like her, her little cousin was without any parents at all. Let it be known, no good ever came to a Stark who went South. A collection of short snapshots in Sansa's life as Queen in the North intended to fix canon because we all know that Sansa deserves a goddamn happy ending. Mostly artistic narrative over the what would have happened after Jon is force to take the black again. But he cannot. Our services run deep and are backed by over ten years of experience. Joffrey's response earned a nervous chuckle and a hopeful widening of the eyes of the singer. The girl in her wondered if her tale would become some tragic song, told to generations of Starks to come. "I hate you." Sandor Clegane, better known as the Hound, is the Westeros Football League's best defensive end. If Brienne could give Tormund a chance, he would give her the world. Now letters are showing up at his door from a shadowy entity called the Watchers Council. She was terrified Ser Ilyn Payne might have emerged from the darkness, ready to take her head. Sansa's head pounded, her lip was busted, and the fallen tears mixed with the blood on her face. "Yeah, she wanna get marriedBut she don't wanna marry me". As she adjusts to a new school, Sansa encounters yet another mysterySunnydale High's newest teacher, Mr. Clegane. He doesn't have to play their games. One head he claimed was her former Septa, and mentioned another belonging to Jory Cassel, who once served as captain of her father's household guard. He calls them demons. I originally started it some time ago on, but had to stop when I got too busy writing for school. He does not know what he wishes to stare at the longer; the welcoming curve of her lips or the swelling of her belly. Ramsay Bolton. Ella ya no era aquella nia, joven e inocente. The king wrapped his arm through her own, like a serpent ensnaring its prey, and Sansa was given no choice but to follow. Charlotte was born a royal, a princess. And it will be years before the Stark heir will learn the truth about his aunt, magic, and the cost of power. There was nothing but a long plunge to the hard stone below. In London they join family friends the Baratheons and the fashionable young Tyrells in a world of romance and balls. Maids find her bed empty; guards find no sign of her in the Godswood, the Crypt, the Great Hall, even the Glass Gardens where her Mother suggest she sometimes likes to go and smell the Winter Roses, or the kitchens for where she sometimes steals lemon cakes (or charms them out of the cooks), are all empty of Sansa Starks presence. I will continue to publish as works in a series while I work on this transition, in order to keep track of existing storylines. ", Joffrey's sneer was instantaneous and his response ugly. Joffrey was so close, and all it would take is a shove Sansa told herself. She heard Joffrey screaming and said with a wolfish grin, "It does not matter, what is important is that I am free.". Silencio, solo silencio y cuando Aemond se atrevi a abrir su unico ojo sano, ah le vi Una figura alta y majestuosa, vestida en una magnifica armadura del color de la leche y las estrellas, tena un yelmo con forma de cabeza de lobo, y cuando se movi Aemond distingui una espada que brill como la escarcha al sol, hielo puro y casi transparente Servant de la clase Ruler, te pregunto Eres t mi master? If she's going to survive this game and protect her family, she knows she must do things she never imagined and overcome obstacles she never thought possible.For the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. Hers made him want to strip the skin right off himself. Very much Sansa-centric, and while romance is an important part, it's more about the choices Sansa makes going forward as she figures out how to balance the good of the North and her own healing and happiness. Her panic subsided slightly when she realized her nighttime tormenter was not present. "I am king now stupid girl! But is this all too much to ask for a girl who's barely eighteen? Sansa chose to keep her eyes focused on the water as she bathed. Son of Tywin 3. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin. One theory is that a latent sense of attraction has developed inside Sansa towards The Hound, and has retroactively changed her memory of the situation. Three, when they told her she would marry Joffrey. He's the Steward of Winterfell, living a comfortable, busy life, he's got a sense of purpose, and he's got Sansa but something is still missing, and it takes a lot to admit that this something might be found with the King in the North. by MegLPie (Meg) with 3,035 reads. Sansa Stark is an omega. He is fine. Her more sensible nature understood that her death would make her brothers fight for justice that much easier when he did not have a hostage to worry for. One night when he is seven years old he sneaks in the gods wood with his direwolf pup Frost. And the one thing they all completely agree on, without discussion, is: not fucking again. The Stark sisters have travelled all the way to London to begin their first season, leaving behind the familiar world of Winterfell Hall and a disappointed Jon Stark- with whom the eldest Miss Stark has been convinced to break off a connection. Notes: Hello everyone, I appreciate you taking time out of your day to check out this story. (She has every right not to believe, for it is not true.). left kudos on this work! Unknown to the world of men, the Old Gods, the Gods of Old Valaryia and the Mother Rhoyne have watched these events play out and they are not pleased, now they will unleash a radical plan to save the world of men and undo what has been done. jon. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. evajacks, MortalCloth21, IridescentStars, wholly_unholy, lullx, KaTee19, Siver_LS, Crimson2800, Lady_Mcbeth, SimMi23, youmissedmyheart, Skyler24834, Fireheart021102, Almighty_Hat, Jehefjwhgrvk638, Foxyfloof, Parzivmis, thewinterhunter, PitaC89, Caonto, DeNile200Lol, smokingcaramels, Zero554, Cionnfhaoladh, gryffindoristhebest, artemis2103, Vimorg, Ame_02rain, Indigo_Nebula, Asonia99, Crombar, VioletRoseLily, DudekEBM, Aleksandra_Hale, 3rosie_posie3, Coroniel, thisismy_jam, Hellishcerberus, DDBB19, Larmsicle, Zephyr_1719, artemix_deux, arodriguez301, Lady_Lilith, Dragonixfrye, jeezelise, Ralphs, orangeyensign, Hikari_Kiemi, eculeus, and 70 more users It was calming and if she could manage to get away from the Lannisters and their guards more often, she would have made it a nightly habit to take a trip down to the stables to pet and groom the horses. 1K 16 6. She could not bring herself to rise from bed but envisioned something monstrous if she could manage to get up and gaze into a looking glass. Jaime makes an off-colour joke to Gendry during the family visits to Winterfell and his little daughter, Joanna hears it. also Rhaegal after hatching again: ?? When he asks her to leave. He was much too indomitable to run past or fight. Lyarra Stark, twin sister of Robb Stark, wants nothing more than to live the rest of her life in Winterfell. Thanks to him, the Martells soared from one of the weakest houses of the kingdom to a position of kingmakers of the realm, and made Dorne into a true force to be reckoned with. The third and final child was, again, a boy, Theon Stark. One year after the Long Night and against all odds Theon has found his place. Joffrey threatened to have Ser Meryn drag her should she refuse, but it was the Hound and three simple words that caused her feet to move forward. 6 Jun. He can barely keep his wits about him to address her properly. Devotion (GOT Fanfic) 41 parts Ongoing . Sansa saw country fields and dense forests beyond the walls. Oberyn Martell returns to the Capital for one reason and for one reason alone; to get his lover's child out of this forsaken city. They had failed. "To love is to battle, to open doors, to cease to be a ghost with a number forever in chains, forever condemned by a faceless master; the world changes if two look at each other and see. As they discover their destinies and the magic surrounding them, they must fight all manner of otherworldly and worldly evil to save the world from enslavement and doom. AU. In a twist of fate, Sansa Stark is not stopped by Sandor when she attempts to throw herself and King Joffrey from the ramparts when he forces Sansa to look upon her father's head. Jon Snow naci con los ojos purpuras, lo que forz a Lord Eddard Stark a crear mentiras ms complejas que justifiquen el color de ojos. Ramsay is just happy to have his Reek back, and yea, a heir is okay too. Ten days after failing to recover Ori from the mountain, Sansa decides to continue punishing herself for her failures. But soon, it becomes apparent all of Westeros is in danger and they must unite to survive.Starkcest. Shoutout to tumblrs kithlessheir, who has consistently attempted to (and usually succeeded in) dragging my arse to hell since 2014. House Bolton's guiding ambition was rule the north--As Domeric & Sansa Bolton now do at Winterfell. Larrisa Stark is the eldest daughter of Ned Stark and betrothed to Joffrey Baratheon. 7. Sansas fury awakens in her a power that hasnt been seen in Westeros since the arrival of Aegon the Conqueror. Written for the SanSan Writer Guild Prompt: "One year, a while back, Sansa and Sandor gave each other incredible gifts for Valentines Day completely by accident. Desperation forged Cregan and Sansa's alliance, and now Sansa seeks to play the game she was taught so well in an effort to save the North by going south. Even as a mysterious champion races north ahead of them with motivations unknown. Who could have guessed, that a man so brutal, could one day share the same ardour as someone like Loras tyrell. She and her younger twin had survived their whole lives being mistreated, and not much phased her anymore.But now, her father is called as Hand of the King, and she's forced into a lions den of enemies, backstabbing, and hesitant allies as her dreams and nightmares are haunted by war, bloodshed, glowing sapphire eyes and blood red serpent. But this year's Valentines Day has been months in the making Home from war, Sandor Clegane wants nothing to do with the horrors he faced, least of all the black-eyed monsters that nearly took his life. "See that you bathe and dress as befits my betrothed. "Stannis finally sees the lengths both Melisandre and Selyse will go to ensure him a victory. One of the maids opened the door and Ser Meryn Trant pushed his way into the room. Oh man, are those ribs?, Baby back ribs with barbeque. Sansa replied quietly. Meanwhile, Renly marches on the capital and the Lannisters prepare for the inevitable clash while Stannis waits at Harrenhal, determined not to become a footnote to his brothers usurpation. Fear corrupts perhaps the fear of a loss of power. John Steinbeck, One day youll be old enough to read fairytales again. Her only choice is to trek back to the shady looking biker bar she passed not too long ago and hope she won't regret it. Chose the graphic depiction of violence bc of Ramsay's death, but it isn't actually that graphic lmao. The triplets of House Stark would later be called, The Three Wolves. A short story imagining the aftermath of such an action. The only way to do that stopping the dance of dragons before it even begins. And return him back to his father. Preference 02: Nightmares. In the days that followed her father's execution, Sansa Stark, child of the North, young girl of thirteen, and once-proud daughter of Lady Catelyn and Lord Eddard Stark had been consumed by the despair and betrayal of recent events which left her a twisted malformed shell. En este mundo, el prncipe Rhaegar no puede resistirse por 1 ao a los encantos de la Loba de Winterfell y se encama con ella en el Torneo de Harrenhall. Turn it around so she can get a proper look.". She gets her chance to shine finally when Jon realises he will be deported thanks to a political feud between two rival states and needs her help in ways neither imagined. Severing the Smallest Extremity The head had been covered with tar in hopes of preservation, but the severed head did not look anything like her father. This work is currently published as a series of the same title, but I am in the process of turning it into a single work with multiple chapters, which is a more appropriate format. Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen find themselves spending a very intimate evening together. Please consider turning it on! Joffrey's attention was fixated on a very pale and nervous-looking tavern singer, so her arrival went unnoticed by her betrothed. Lannisters and those that served them were all liars. Is that what youre offering? The first time triplets were born to the King of Winter and Lord of House Stark, was 25 years before the Andal Invasion, around 5.000 BC (Before Aegons Conquest).