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Although it makes Doug cry, Doug admits that he needed to hear it and gives Mr. Peanutbutter a hug and then thanks him. While they wait, Todd calls Mr. Peanutbutter and asks him if he should also have Cabracadabra available as a safe space for men, and Mr. Peanutbutter thinks that's a great idea. However, his model helicopter crashed into the water tower, on the set of former VJ Downtown Julie Brown's new puppet show. Gina's eyes are watery and bloodshot, and she has dark red bruises around her neck. You spend so long with that feeling that it becomes your home. Diane pretends to still be in Cordovia whenever she calls him. Todd then tells BoJack he has his work cut out because people hate him right now. Mr. Peanutbutter expresses concern, that he and Diane may end up getting a divorce if any more fights break out between themand asks for help removing the skunk scent before she returns home. This is the same place his other relatives also went when they got old, including his father later on. It was also shortly before BoJack went to rehab. Later shows Todd and Mr. Peanutbutter continuing to work on business ventures for PB Livin' they brainstorm on the fly. He says things like they'll all die one day, and it's cruel to let people love you because you're just promising one day you'll break their hearts. Mr. Peanutbutter simply says he could use a drink asking if there was a bar nearby. She Got a Haircut Mr. Peanutbutter guesses time flies when you're having fun. Pickles reluctantly takes back the ring saying that she supposes they could put it behind them if it only happened one time. Mr. Peanutbutter then excused himself as Katrina had her hand down a busboy's pants. In reality, he's actually on the Philbert set. Thus ending their relationship. Instead, he gets cheered, for keeping them informed. Salinger, accidentally gets in a conference call with Diane and Princess Carolyn, and BoJack and Ana, with the latter two, are in New York when Princess Carolyn meant to put him on hold. He tells her Mr. Peanutbutter is a "Zelda," and he and Diane are "Zos," and that when she realizes that to call him. Divorce Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane's divorce is a good look at intimacy and relationships. Todd then asks Princess Carolyn for a night off for his date with Maude. When Mr. Peanutbutter hears Ruthie knock over a lamp he says that he hears the note and he will be back with her drink. Mr. Peanutbutter calls a lawyer to make sure Disneyland is legal. Diane realizes he doesn't want her to go to Cordovia. However, Mr. Peanutbutter answers the door to find Von Trapp and his followers, and they eerily state that they "know what [he] did.". The lawyer informs Todd that it isn't legal and that he'll see him in court. He says they are both two equally accomplished book writers. After Woodchuck says during a press conference that if a state senator was willing to actually petition for an amendment to the constitution that would democratically allow him to bid his governor title on a ski race, then he would accept the challenge. He tries to get to her before she can see BoJack but fails. Paige says she only tolerates him for work otherwise she can't stand him. Pickles runs out of the house and onto the backyard patio and sits by the fire. BoJack realizes that all his suspects: Flip, Princess Carolyn, Diane, and Mr. Peanutbutter, revolve around the showdeveloping the conspiracy theory the whole show was created to reveal his secrets. Diane says she's good in small groups and shouts that she hates parties, which interrupts the party. Mr. Peanutbutter counters this and tells her the whole day was spent doing things she wanted to do. When Pickles reasons that she should tell her friend Ilana about Mr. Peanutbutter cheating on her, Mr. Peanutbutter begs her not to tell the Ilanas and Pickles tells Mr. Peanutbutter that shes going to tell everybody because shes a Gemini. She leaves, and BoJack swallows a few more pills. Season 6 sees Diane moving past the Peanutbutter divorce and an apparent crush on BoJack with a buffalo named Guy. Mr. Peanutbutter tells her he enjoyed her new book and Diane thanks him. He rubs his eyes and he's back in reality. Todd celebrates his legal victory with a party at BoJack's house. Mr. Peanutbutter is shocked that she learned all this from talking to Tim Allen for ten minutes, but Katrina angrily says he left her alone for an hour and a half. Princess Carolyn approaches Mr. Peanutbutter and asks if it's just her or does seem that the cast and crew have really turned on him. She says it was under the bed, in the master suite a year ago, at Mr. Peanutbutter's housewarming party. BoJack's plan goes awry, however, when the robbery instead helps Diane reaffirm her love for Mr. Peanutbutter, and they push the wedding to happen within the week. Flip tells BoJack that wasn't his intention, he just wants to make a great show, and he's the only one with a problem. Salinger reveals he wants to "cancel Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Princess Carolyn then meets with Ralph to discuss the idea. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Flip he thinks he's actually strangling her. Pickles then calls him, and he asks how it went with Carl. The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. She then breaks her left wrist in an attempt to carry Mr. Peanutbutter into their bedroom. BoJack was cast as Mr. Peanutbutter and Naomi Watts was cast as Diane. When the scene is cut, Mr. Peanutbutter again tries to complement Melodie but she tells him to drop dead." Mr. Peanutbutter assures her that she should drop it because if something was wrong his brother would tell him. They arrive at BoJack's house. He is then approached by Joey Pogo. Mr. Peanutbutter gets ready to talk to the reporters but he is interrupted by Joey telling him about a situation in the kitchen. Joey says that he wanted to set up a meeting but his assistant went on strike and he doesnt know how to use a phone. However, Mr. Peanutbutter accidentally says that he still has feelings for Diane. She takes him outside and uses the toilet paper the house had been covered with by teenagers (including a teenage Todd) to turn him into a mummy. Mr. Peanutbutter then remarks Diane is indeed a true Chicagoan. Mr. Peanutbutter thinks it's a wonderful idea and tells Oxnard to put all his money into spaghetti strainers, to Oxnard's dismay. Pickles then says they can keep brainstorming. Todd says he's tired that BoJack walks over everybody, but still gets what he wants, as something BoJack did that involved Emily that made her leave Cabracadabra. A life of success, wealth, and fame meant Mr. Peanutbutter has never faced any real challenges or had to make difficult decisions, leaving him almost completely inept in the real world. Mr. Peanutbutter says he's pretty sure they hate each other. He first moved to Los Angeles in the late 80s or early 90s, where he ended up co-piloting the plane that brought him to California, which happened purely because he walked into a room without looking. Mr. Peanutbutter intended to get another "D" but the unveiling reveals it's a "B," turning Hollywoo into "Hollywoob.". Mr. Peanutbutter says they need to think of someone. Pickles is excited to go to her first fancy Hollywoo party. Later, at Elefante, Mr. Peanutbutter tells Pickles he needs to talk to her, which upsets her, but she assures him whatever happensshe wont stop loving him. The "D" incident inspired the film Mr. Peanutbutter's Hollywoo Heist, directed by Quentin Tarantulino. After signing off, Pickles asks Mr. Peanutbutter whats going on, saying that hes been acting differently. He then tells her there was a protest organized by Susan Sarandon. In Mr. Peanutbutter's Boos, he thinks this is why all his relationships fail and why his exes went from fun and happy to bitter and meanbut Diane tells him it's because he dates young women, and they just grow up while he continues to act like a "man-child" who places all the responsibilities, including himself, on them, which tires them and leads them to end their relationship with him. Mr. Peanutbutter assures her he'll never leave her alone again, but Katrina storms off saying she wants to be alone now and tells him to have fun with his hippie liberal friends. Mr. Peanutbutter goes to WhatTimeIsItRightNow, telling Todd, that Hollywoo producers don't think he's tough enough. That last part is key because, for Mr. Peanutbutter, he isn't meeting and dating these women because they have common interests (besides not having kids, he and Diane have little in common),. After her divorce, Diane tries to reconnect with her Vietnamese heritage by taking a trip to Vietnam . When Mr. Peanutbutter asks BoJack why he dislikes him, BoJack admits that he is jealous. Pickles tells Mr. Peanutbutter she and Joey had sex so now she and Mr. Peanutbutter are even and everything can go back to normal. What did you think about BoJack Horseman season 5 episode 2? The changes to the film become increasingly drastic until the film is canceled altogether when Quentin and Todd decide the story should be told as a "bi-monthly curated box of snacks.". Mr. Peanutbutter reassures him he will be with him unless he spots his old friend Erica and notices some notable characteristic about her personality, he then questions what the odds of that happening are, making this his final appearance in the series. Meanwhile, as the therapist pointed out, even though she's a writer, Diane does not express her feeling for Mr Peanutbutter (save for the influence of drugs) yet he accepts Diane for her way (or lack thereof) of expressing herself so in that sense it's an uneven relationship. However, Diane says she so tired of squinting and breaks down crying, as Mr. Peanutbutter looks upset, as an implication their marriage has failed. Like real-life dogs, he can't eat chocolate (it's poisonous to them), watch fireworks or listen to loud noises (dogs have sensitive ears). They hear a knock on the door, and Mr. Peanutbutter goes to answer, hoping it's pizza. Pickles says that it might take a lot of guys, but she will do it if it will save their marriage. Princess Carolyn walks up to him and asks if everything is all right. Mr. Peanutbutter goes outside and asks Captain Peanutbutter if everything is OK with him. Jessica yells at Mr. Peanutbutter for not keeping the mummy away, while also revealing she auditioned to play the actual mummy as she storms off. Mr. Peanutbutter, alone at home, still sad after calling his ill brother, gets a call from Shep Von Trapp, who offers him the role of Oscar nominee announcer. He announces at dinner with Diane, Princess Carolyn, and her new boyfriend Ralph Stilton that hes selling Cabracadabra. BoJack finds this annoying and always shoots Mr. Peanutbutter down, although that never stops Mr. Peanutbutter from trying to befriend BoJack.