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Grace to You radio, video, audio, print, and website resources reach millions worldwide each day. John MacArthur. At first glance, it would appear to contravene the teaching in the rest of the Bible that only God can forgive sins. We find that the Psalmist says, Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of Your name; and deliver us, and forgive our sins, for Your names sake, (Psalm 79:9). The Life-Giving Shepherd (John 10:1-11) Pastor John MacArthur. Shes running to Peter and John. John20, verse 9. The women testify to an empty tomb. Can Muslims provide a list of Jesus sayings that are true and false. This is the first day, the day He rose, and they dont recognize Him because Hes now in a glorified form. ii. 1 D Mary Magdalene discovers the empty tomb and summons Peter and John (20:1-2) 2 D Peter and John visit the empty tomb and find Jesus' graveclothes (20:3-10) 2 E Mary turns and sees Jesus but does not at first recognize him (20:14-17) 1 D Jesus appears to his disciples, shows his wounds, and commissions them (20:19-23) 2 D Jesus appears to . Until then the city would be absorbed in the dusky darkness. Lets look at it. No one saw the resurrection. The Roman executioners knew He was dead; thats why he didnt break His legs. She runs. 4:14; 2 Tim. John Piper Apr 12, 2009. Phone: 877-227-1091 Email . But before He sent the earthquake, He put all those soldiers under some kind of divine anesthesia, and they all went to sleep. 40 Questions About Roman Catholicism by Gregg Allison. Sign up to receive the week's latest articles, blog posts andupdates. You had the entire creation account of the universe in one chapter. ), On individual words in this verse it is important to note that in the better text the tense of that rendered are remitted is a strict present, while that rendered are retained is in the perfect-present. At best, the laying on of hands deals with ordinationnot apostolic authority being passed down. There were women at the foot of the cross. All four gospel writers, by the way, record the actual history of the resurrection. She fears the worst, verse 2, so she ran. She spun around and ran. Follow John MacArthur: Contact Information: Phone: 800-55-GRACE Fax: 661-295-5871 Email: [email protected] Mailing Address: PO Box 4000 Panorama City, CA 91412. www.gracefellowshipmd.org This account is currently inactive. No one saw the resurrection. Saint John Neumann High School Basketball 2022-23 Preview. 02/05/23. Certainly give the apostles more credit than that. Is that level of authority exactly the same as the apostles? The leaders of the local church have the authority and even the responsibility to Expel the wicked man from among you in extreme cases. The Jews numbered their days. So they assembled, in verse 12, with the eldersconsulted together. And the Sanhedrin, the Jewish elders, gave a large sum of money to the soldiers. Do I hear bribery here? The cancellation comes after revelations that MacArthur had apparently promoted a convicted child abuser and shamed the abuser's wife. They would never do that and then go out and preach and die as martyrs for something that they faked. Ill come back to them in a minute. Back to John MacArthur's Bio & Resources. The soldiers testify to an empty tomb. We talk about it; we sing about it; we celebrate it. This passage appears to be teaching that if Jesus hearers forgive sins, then that results in God forgiving themputting the role of forgiveness and even ultimate judgment in human hands. We greatly appreciate your consideration! Therefore, I conclude that in Matthew 18:18 Jesus is delegating real authority and responsibility for the church which I assume is the leadership of the local church in spiritual matters. 20 characters) Country. And when its daybreak, as Mark says, the sun has risen. As Luke says, it is early dawn. As Matthew says, it began to dawn. And as John says, theres still a dusky darkness. John was something of an exception; he believed simply by seeing the empty tomb, before meeting the resurrected Jesus. John MacArthur and many within the Reformed/Calvinist camp describe themselves as cessationists. ; John 16:8 et seq. This is a position that he has held since 1969. She doesnt expect a resurrection. In the meantime the Lords talking to His followers, telling them to go to Galilee, and Hes going to meet them there. The apostles, then, preached the resurrection. MacArthur and Gravette encouraged their clients to invest more than $16 million in four private real estate investment funds without notifying them that the fund managers for these investments had . April 23, 1995 "Fifteen Words of Hope" 2 Corinthians 5:21 Read or Hear at .gty.org. It is the cornerstone of gospel promise. He has risen, there it is; thats the explanation; thats the truth He is not here; behold, the place where they laid Him. Scripture: John 20:1-23. This time he has been exposed for how he and Grace Community Church abused a woman for refusing to reconcile with her abusive husband. That doctrine declares that the whole human race is sinful. Romans10:9-10, If you confess Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.. The apostles had miraculous knowledge and the ability to speak with inspiration. Bible Introductions - Exodus Title; Author and Date; . If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). At the same time, God never binds anything that truly contradicts His will or approval. I do not find that view convincing. This passage helps me to understand John 20:23. least the record of the battle with Amalek , the Ten Commandments (34:4, 27-29), and the Book of the Covenant (20:22-23:33). Genesis 2:4-7. I am not sure exactly what Jesus meant by this, but I believe he is giving them authority over disputable mattersover matters on which Jesus had not already clearly spoken. So she ran and came to Simon Peter and the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and said to them, Theyve taken away the Lord out of the tomb, we do not know where they have laid Him. So Peter and the other disciple went forth, and they were going to the tomb. What a stupid plot. To re-activate your service, please contact our customer support team. And then He was in charge of His own burial. 0-4. vs. Melbourne City (A) (5 November 2022) 2021-22. Sermon. But now we know Mary Magdalene got there first. There are several interesting things to note about it. If they were wrong about that, then why didnt Jesus correct them? John says there were two and they were angels, two angels. No Comments. What did Jesus mean when He said I am the way and the truth and the life (John 14:6)? I wish I could tell you exactly what this passage means, but I believe that we can get a general understanding of John 20:23. This is what youre to say: His disciples came by night and stole Him away while we were asleep. Well, the implications of that is they failed to do their duty; theres punishment for that. One of them, named Cleopas, answered and said to Him, Are You the only one visiting Jerusalem and unaware of the things which have happened here in these days? And He said to them, What things? And they said to Him, The things about Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word in the sight of God and all the people, and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered Him to the sentence of death, and crucified Him. The disciples wouldnt do it, because they didnt even expect a resurrection. Marital Status. He was about to leave, and he was delegating to them authority to make some authoritative decision for the church. What did Jesus mean when He said, If you love me keep my commandments? It says in Luke23:55, The women who had come with the Lord out of Galilee saw the tomb and where the body was laid., So they were at the cross, they were at the burial, and of course, they dont go anywhere or travel anywhere on the Sabbath. She runs to Peter and John; they dont have any thought of resurrection either. Thomas moved from doubting Jesus' resurrection to believing in and worshiping Him as his risen Lord and God. Slider in Lightbox. If you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven." God has promised forgiveness wherever there is repentance; He has not promised repentance wherever there is sin. Matthew tells us in Matthew28:1 both Marys headed for the tomb. I would appreciate clarification from you on how John 20:23 gives authority for Christians to forgive sins. Moses expressed the following during the early stages of the administrative system of judges: You shall not show partiality in judgment; you shall hear the small as well as the great; you shall not be afraid in any mans presence, for the judgment is Gods. The ultimate principles upon which this power rests are those stated abovethe being sent by Christ, and the reception of the Holy Ghost. The 2022-23 season is the 26th in the history of Perth Glory Football Club and 18th in the A-League Men . Stories ofChrist'smiracles that inspire His followers; stories of death that redeems the lost; and the stories ofResurrectionthat provides us with hope for eternal glory. CARM |P.O. Ill do this quickly. This raises the question of how John 20:23 applies today. Now if somebody stole the body, you would have to think that they wouldnt unwrap it. Scripture: John 20:19-23. If only God can forgive sins, then how can you explain John 20:23, which seems to contradict this? He enjoys his current opportunity to pastor three congregations of the Church of God, a Worldwide AssociationCentral New Jersey; Queens, New York; and Quakertown, Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven (NASB). They dont know where the earthquake came from. When therefore it was evening, on that day, the first day of the week, and when the doors were shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst, and said to them, Peace be with you. 20 And when He had said this, He showed them both His hands and His side. A Lighthouse Trails reader brought to our attention this week that John MacArthur is no longer appearing on the speaker line up for the NRB's convention, Proclaim 19.Editors at Lighthouse Trails called Grace to You (MacArthur's ministry) to confirm this and were told that due to illness, John MacArthur would not be speaking at Proclaim 19. Context is king when interpreting scripture, and this is no exception. John MacArthur is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, as well as an author, conference speaker, president of The Master's University and Seminary, and featured teacher with the Grace to You media ministry. The net worth of John MacArthur is at $20 million as of 2021. We dont know what happened. By David J. Stewart | January 2008 . Slider with Animated Blocks . In the context, he is giving the apostles the Holy Spirit by breathing on them. Of course, they didnt have Gods Spirit dwelling in them until several weeks later on Pentecost (John 14:17). Whatever you bind on the earth will be, having been bound in Heaven (Literal Translation Version). You preach the resurrection all through the book of Acts in apostolic preaching. $222,000 $402,000 (81% one-year increase) 20 hrs p/week at Grace to You. Get the latest blog posts from Life, Hope & Truth straight to yourinbox. No Bible writer tries to explain the resurrection - I mean the physiology of it or the pathology of it, because there is no rational explanation. So everything from here to the end of the gospel of John just two more chapters is about the risen Christ, the risen Christ. The other women never refer to them when they get there. If the disciples did this, they wouldnt unwrap the body. Apr 14, 2019. Instead, he affirms their claim, states he has the authority to forgive sins, and then heals the paralytic. John 20:23) It seems that in the Bible, a certain "authority" is given to the church. November 11, 2022. And so Simon Peter also came, following him, and entered the tomb; and he saw the linen wrappings lying there, and the face-cloth which had been on His head, not lying with the linen wrappings, but rolled up in a place by itself. Oh, its true, verse 22. Now we talk about the resurrection. You start in the book of Acts with the first sermon by Peter. For example, Paul determined that Church members in Corinth shouldnt have tolerated the man involved in sexual immorality with his stepmother: Your glorying is not good (1 Corinthians 5:1-6). I believe that, in the context, Jesus is talking about church discipline and about the authority of the leaders of the church. Peter and the other disciple went forth, verse 3, and were coming to the tomb. Peter and John never refer to them when they get there. Jesus' words in John 20:23 were stated immediately after alluding to a tool in this process that that would be new to them: "He breathed on them, and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit'" (verse 22). Pastor John MacArthur. He breathed on them to receive the Holy Spirit (v. 22). What you find everywhere is this unbelief, or this small amount of faith thats confused. (Photo by Fiona Morgan) After more than two weeks and worldwide headlines, revival services at Asbury University in central Kentucky came to an end recently. We dont know anything about how God did creation; but we know its here, and He told us He did it in six days.