The effect of these their praises: when the angels and saints cried Alleluia, her fire burned more fiercely and her smoke ascended for ever and ever, v. 3. To whom else could they say it? That is, the sixth head (reigning then in John's day) was the imperial form of government. Yes, all my gold stars, but Friday you blow it and you didn't get your prayer time in. 1-3), and does not appear again until (Revelation 22:16), emphasizing the The gospel had been preached there, as she of Chaldea was not without law and prophet. and could only be broken by divorce. What is the sword? Before God we have that which is found only by and in Christ, which is another and a higher character altogether as compared with the righteousnesses of the saints. . The common notion, therefore, that the coming of the Lord is at this point is an evident fallacy upon the face of this scripture that describes it, not to speak of others elsewhere. He has saved us! Although the words are the same as in the first chapter of the Fourth Gospel, the meaning is quite different and much simpler. You can believe this. To be sure, the language here suggests Armageddon, the great spiritual conflict going on throughout history, the results of which will be announced and executed on the last day. is a myth. It was, as H. B. Swete puts it, like "the din of a vast concourse, the roar of a cataract, the roll of thunder.". This rider is called "FAITHFUL AND TRUE"--"faithful" because we can depend on His promises. Creature lights are gone. It calls God the Almighty. There was a Jewish belief that no man could know the name of God until he had entered into the life of heaven. There follows praise from the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures. (ii) It is suggested that the name is Y-H-W-H. That was the Jewish name for God. He has avenged the blood of his servants at her hand ( Revelation 19:2 ). because of the number of people speaking. He shall destroy the pride of the sinner as a potter's vessel. He just said it, "Let there be light," and light existed.And in the Hebrew it is even more intensive. The word "rule" is "to shepherd" them, and the rod of iron is the club the shepherd used to fend off the wolves, bears, lions, etc. The four living creatures, respectively like a lion, an ox, a man and an eagle, stand for two things, for all that is bravest, strongest, wisest and swiftest in nature--and for the cherubim. heaven. The very reverse is the undeniable fact. This does not intimate we have seen that there is only one act of raising, but that all who share that resurrection, whenever raised, are raised before the millennium begins; so that when the reign of Christ takes place, all such have part in the first resurrection, including Christ Himself, raised at least 1800 years before the church; then the church, with the Old Testament saints; then these Apocalyptic saints at any rate some years after. On these I may say but a very few words. God doesn't want you taking credit for the work that He does, receiving glory for His work. The picture is not of an "iron rod" he uses to "club" or beat his sheep! And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations unto it. They picture the final triumph of God over all enemies and his complete conquest of evil. groom prepared for his bride. These compose the same group as (in 7:11), and are associated with worship It will be observed that in this case it is one of the angels that had the seven bowls who comes forward and says to John, "Come hither; I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore (or harlot) that sitteth upon [the] many waters." "And he had a name written, that no man knew but he himself." Betrothal (often when the couple were children); (2) The glorified saints are to administer power in a way far beyond angels. God. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever ( Revelation 19:3 ). Armies of angels are with him, but his conquest is not by armies or weapons. I believe the word "Lamb" is used here, 3:12-15; 2 Cor. Worship is for God alone. The blessing given could not be taken back. One of the great dangers of being in any kind of ministry where God is using you, one of the great dangers of exercising any spiritual gift, is that people so often look at the instrument that God uses. Revelation 19:13; Revelation 14:8; Revelation 14:10; Revelation 14:19-20; Revelation 16:19; Isaiah 63:1-6). But when Christ and the church peacefully reign, such is the imagery that suits "a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. He was filled with astonishment that this mysterious form of evil, this counter-testimony of the enemy (not antichrist, but antichurch), should seem and be largely accepted as the holy catholic church of God, that Christendom, if not Christianity, should at the same time become the bitterest of persecutors, more murderously incensed against the witnesses of Jesus and the saints of God than ever paganism had been in any country or all ages. 1. We'll study the Book of Revelation, explained in detail, and learn about every aspect of the Book of Revelation including the apocalypse, four horsemen, great tribulation, great white throne judgement, mark of the beast and so much more! This is the Messiah of Jewish apocalyptic expectation far more than the Messiah whom Jesus claimed to be. Verse 10. The armies of heaven are the hosts of the angels. *It is the aorist in Greek, which in such a case as this it is difficult correctly to represent in English; for neither "reigned" nor "hath reigned" could convey that God had entered on His kingdom, but rather that it was past. "Behold I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the words of the prophecy of this book." 244.]. Judas returned the money to the priests saying, "I betrayed innocent blood" ( Matthew 27:4 ). The gospel of John and the Revelation perfectly disclose both, whether in grace or in judgment. And the [antichrist] the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and those that worshipped his image. This would have been altogether inappropriate for such a progress: when the King comes forth riding to victory in the judgment of wicked men of the world, it is not in the quality of bride, but of armies or hosts, that the saints follow Him; and these include no doubt the guests as well, i.e., all the glorified take their place in His train. It is written to be believed, not to be ignored or explained away. The scene now shifts from the earth where it has been (since chapter 6), to but it does not follow that various bodies are not raised at different times. Just as the city of man's confusion was seen in her vile, degraded, and degrading relations with the beast, this city is seen in her pure and glorious relations with the Lamb. and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God; the fierce wrath of God against sinners is compared to a winepress; and the wicked antichristian party are likened to clusters of grapes; who being ripe for destruction, are cast into it, and pressed, squeezed, and trodden down by the mighty power of Christ, the Word of God, whose vesture is therefore before said to be dipped in blood; the same metaphor is used in Revelation 14:19 the allusion seems to be to Isaiah 63:3. the church is the bride during the presentation feast in heaven, then comes to And God said is the recurring phrase in the narrative of creation ( Genesis 1:3; Genesis 1:6; Genesis 1:9; Genesis 1:14; Genesis 1:26). (3) 20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. The principle upon which this verse-by-verse study of Revelation proceeds, is that the contents of the book are, in the main, yet future and that the fulfillment of the greater part of Revelation cannot take place as long as the Church remains here on earth. He gets his power and they get theirs for one and the same time. 1 Thessalonians 2:10-12 Commentary. It is an evident contrast with the state supposed in the wheat-and-tare field of Christendom which is found at the end of the age. That is, there was first the literal Babylon, of course; but here it is symbolical. "For God put [it] into their hearts to do his mind, and to do one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled." I don't know exactly what He will say. earth for the celebration of the final meal (during the Millennium). I would like to say a few words about this "fine linen". on the other, she had, when she could, gone on increasing in both, until at last the blow of divine judgment came. - CBSC, the winepress . Preparations and celebrations were much more cum cdd. And I think that this has been declared all the way through, because this is one of the areas that Satan constantly challenges concerning God, the fairness of God's judgments when he deals and meats out His judgments upon man. The decem-regal division of the broken empire in the West, as all know, was long after Rome had ceased to be heathen. Gods communion with His people (verse 7). They begin to admire the instrument. It was the religious leaders that insisted that the Roman government put Him to death. The Lord is not so interested in telling you who you are going to marry or what is going to happen to you next week, the spirit of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.". They will probably number into the hundreds of millions. God wants a loving relationship, not religion. If you These are the martyrs of Revelation 6:1-17, those long since seen under the altar, poured out like burnt-offerings to God. New American Standard Version . In her own course, and in the matters of her portion, the church does not know time at all. 15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. It is by his word that God created the earth and the heavens and everything in them. We usually pronounce it JEHOVAH; but the vowels in Jehovah are really those of the Hebrew word 'Adonay ( H136) , which means Lord, the name by which the Jews called God in order to avoid pronouncing the sacred name. The horns and the beast join in hating the whore. (i) In certain circles of Judaism the angels had a very large place. It is plain that they are not in this city. And a voice came forth from the throne. Thus the difference is complete between past history (if we look at the extinction of the empire and the rise of the ten kingdoms) and the certain fulfilment of the prophecy in the future, when we look at what God has really told us. Every day-and we set up these rules for righteousness. Testament (compare Psalms 104:35; 105:45; 106:1; 111:1; 112:1; 113:1; 117:1; Let others speculate, if they will: I am persuaded that he who essays to conceive the details is merely striving to draw a bow beyond the power of man. "I Jesus sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. overwhelming understanding of Who this is. Echoing an earlier rabbinic comment found in the commentary of Rashi to the Songs of Songs (4:5) Ginzberg explainedthere is also a great bond of union between the first five commandments and the last five. The particulars are reserved for a later point in this prophecy. So, He is coming to bring an end of man's rebellion. He will tread the winepress of the anger of the wrath of God the Almighty. If so, we can define the true prophet as the man who has received from Christ the message he brings to men, and whose words and works are at one and the same time an act of witness to Christ. The only right principle in everything is to go to the source of divine truth, and to seek there refreshment and strength and fitness for whatever our God calls us to. If only an imperial city, what has this to do with mystery? Omnipotent means Here is a picture which is essentially Jewish. Imagine the millions upon millions of Christians that will be gathered in that glorious assembly and when the voice of the Lord comes exhorting us to praise God and give glory to Him, and in our response to it that tremendous praise, crescendo of praise that will arise. Of course the other is true. We have seen that these follow the Lord out of heaven, and are next seen enthroned. Of course the application to the Roman empire would be immediately in the mind of any Christian at Rome. But first, the first five verses show heaven's response to the judgment of the "Amen," they said, "Hallelujah!" He is thrown into the abyss (see 9:1; 11:7; 17:8) where he is imprisoned for a long period, symbolized by a thousand years, so that he is no longer able to tempt the human race to rebel against God. The political side of this is described here with surprising brightness and brevity. What did the "avenging the blood" probably mean?
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