However, there are a few other silent indicators of sinking floors that our experts say homeowners dont notice or ignore them. I had to go out of town to find such a doc. Sometimes there is brief neck pain or head pain, like a pinched nerve. Sitting? And how? Sinking, Dropping, or Falling This feeling is particularly scary and jars you from the brink of sleep into being wide awake. Our experts use several ways to fix a sinking foundation, and each one of them is efficient for different situations. I have what I call vision shifting. Lily, I really think you ought to try and get a doctor to order bloodwork to see whether you're approaching the menopause. the scariest feeling though is the feeling like the ground is moving when I am walking. I'm not. I also have ringing in my ears which got a lot worse this year after immediately the Vax, which can happen in people with meniere"s disease. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. So weary of doctor visits. It can go on all night . The earth around your home is sinking. And I still feel warm even though I have air conditioner on . I get this feeling too, especially when my pressure's too low. When I am really sleepy, although they are scary, I can fall back asleep just minutes later for the same thing to happen again. Dizziness is very common symptoms of anxiety, it also sometimes due to medication. Its also very frightening. I'll make an appt with an ENT. Sorry that you're experiencing this too. b/c i f I told people in the medical field that i feel like i am faling then sinking into nothingness that it would be a straight shot to the looney bin for me!!! Several times the sensation came on so suddenly that I almost fell down!! like did you feel like the floor suddenly bounced ? it's not from synthroid because i have been on it for 10 years and only began having this symptom in the past two years. "A toilet moves because the subfloor has become so decayed that it no longer securely anchors the fasteners that hold it . Medication can break that fear cycle as well as therapy to help address the anxiety. They are mostly used where other piers cannot be used. Quotes tagged as "sinking" Showing 1-30 of 37. The most common causes associated with this are listed below: yeah i still get these alot.. Im going to go see a dco shortly and push for another sleep study.. im pretty certain that i have sleep paralysis or some s;leep disorder going on..b/c it hapens WAY TOO much for it to be a fluke.. like last night for instance i had paralysis in my sleep.. and woke up in paralysised.. i vaguely remner trying to wiggle my fingers.. and i felt my pinky and it was like gumby had invaded by body or something.. then with in seconds i was out like alight again and ddint wake up till my cardio came in and woke me up at nearly 9am some 6-7 hours laters.. i was out hard core too boy holy crud.. i hate it.. im really going to push for this doc that i will be seeing to do somethinglook into this sleep stuff b/c it bites the big one! May I ask how old you are? I couldn't wait for it to be over. As I'm walking, I feel a sudden intense feeling as if the floor just dropped an inch. Over the years, the sink trap gets full of gunk and can cause this odor. I tip over when I'm walking or pivoting. I have to drive over a hour and a half to a University hospital to see one. The sinking is one reason why I try to stay upright. I hope you get some answers, or are finding the symptoms manageable. Like someone has wrapped around you and is giving you a crushing hug. Apparently they are related. After all, no floor is supposed to feel bouncy! Can't find anything; they say it's OK. Sounds like seeing an ENT is a good first step. It is anxiety and it will go away. I am thinking that the ear issue I had two years back may have something to do with this. Posts: 3. My symtoms keep changing Starting with feeling like I was on a moving sidewalk or on a ice skating rink trying to walk. Xx, Thank you so much for commenting I panic for pretty much everything but I think is because anxiety made me this way, I will definitely keep you posted on my journey I really appreciate it. Rather than being afraid to walk because of this feeling I ended up with a march in my step and thinking "come on then!" I don't feel dizzy like the room is spinning, and it happens suddenly, then is gone after a second. If your symptoms stay no matter what you try to do, I would see your doctor. 2. Go on to anxiety centre and click on physical symptoms of anxiety. I get an occasional feeling, but for the most part gone. Sometimes it will feel like my feet will fall through the floor then other times will slowly sink into it. I got other symptoms too which I think is also because of anxiety, your comment gives me a piece of mind. Stomach discomfort. Let me know how you get on. Burst Water Pipes. Fever 100 Dr said with migraine blood pressure can go up. I am sure everyone here feels the same.). And when I started suffering SEVERE vertigo (dizziness, room spinning to the point that it'd make me puke, also couldn't drive at ALL because it was impossible to keep car in a straight line) anyway, this magic M.D. I have had numerous feelings of the floor moving, of things moving in front of me such as countertops, and the feeling as though someone pushes me from behind to the ground but yet I'm standing still. The times I had the worst random vertigo/dizziness spells aligned with me being anemic. I suddenly awake gasping for air. This is a Community for those Living with Lupus to Connect, Share Experiences, Build Support, and Create Community. Limited eye movement. It almost seems seizure like. Your house will start to fall apart inside your walls. Just the past weeks. Ive had these horrible episodes feeling like the floor is sinking almost all day and Im terrified and I already got blood test done and said it was normal but I still feel like every time I walk the floor is sinking or Im stepping on a soft surface. I feels like oil of some kind. I stood taller, feared less and as I did the symptoms slowly disappeared. She can only say that if she's tested your blood hormone levels, which I hope she has done. I may be depressed and have anxiety but I think it's added because of these symptoms. Been feeling like that for years it's gotten worse for me. if the ENT checks out, i don't have a choice but to move on. Oh and to top it off I don't have a.c. ( air conditioning) in my car ) : So it's been tough . its driving me crazy for 3 mothns now. Bumping this thread because I've been feeling this on and off for a few months now, it's the strangest feeling ever. (I didn't think until you mentioned it, but I always spin to the left.). Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. Also epsom salts - half a pack in my bath and listening to Claire Weeks audio book really helped me with the muscle aches and tension. MRI is harmful. But, I got used to it and just ignore it as much as possible. If the first floor is level and the second-floor slopes, then there is a possibility of: Load bearing walls being modified, moved or removed. Hi, I fell exactly the same.. Has anyone find something that helps ? Where you walking? . I hated the last one I saw. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. I had the exact same feeling a few years back. Flashes of vertigo/dizziness, feels like the floor is sinking or uneven. It doesn't have to be a gynae who orders this - well, not where I live anyway. The new floor is like a rollercoaster to walk on (the floor people claim that it must have been like that before - it wasn't!) I'll look into this, thank you! I got a complete workup at the ophthalmologist the other day and everything was absolutely normal. Yes my symptoms started back in March I posted on this site. Do you feel nervous most of the time daily? Hope you figure out what that is. I only get MRI if my Dr asks for a referal, Went to ER yesterday after work .. My blood pressure was high 167/90. as being in breach of those terms. Although the age of menopause is steadily moving back, it still happens relatively early in some women. After all of my appointments are done my ENT wants me to schedule to come back to see him to go over all the results. You can post now and register later. test showed heart rate going down when my blood pooled (rather than up, like it's supposed to). Because vertigo and dizziness is a symptom and not a desease it can mean anything. I don't lay down unless I'm ready to go to la-la land. Seizures are exacerbated by lack of sleep for most people who get them. Currently seeing an ear specialist, theres so many different things that it could be honestly :/ , goodluck! Improper or excessive foundation settling can also cause the basement floor to sink. I will feel semi-conscious. Good morning. It terrified me and I was ill with worry for months googling and thinking that I had some sort of deathly disease. This only happens when I am standing, but when I do my blood pressure and heart rate right after, they are fine, even though I also have a slow message to my atria. They depend on the weight of your house, to push the piers down. The closest existing terminology for this is 'feeling of falling'. My legs from the knees down feel stiff. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. My arms and back and legs hurt they thought it was sciatica or fibromyalgia. I hope that the other people's posts are helpful to you too. Felt that floor is soft underneath me, when i stand i can feel gravitational push, calves heavy and dropping like elevator (sinking feeling). thank you for replying.. some times I think that I am going absolutely crazy with this POTSY stuff.. and would probably feel even more "freaked out" w/ these unusual symptoms if I ddint have all of you!! I'm not suggesting that all your symptoms are caused by pre-menopause, but if you are in this phase it could be making everything worse. Had it real bad when on holidays driving a lot . Hi queenforever, I did experience the same phenomena and want youto know that it did go away in time. I was shocked to see this post. once you strain your eyes alot. Down By The River Where The Hanky Panky; Scott Lang And Maggie; La Crosse Sign On Information Transfer Unsuccessful Thank you so much for your comment, I dont know if it happened to you but after this symptom of the floor my body started to ache out of nowhere which is really scary cause I cant tell if its anxiety, did you have other symptoms after this? The only meds i am on is Synthroid. I used to think this can't be right, something must be . The floor of each of your rooms has long joists, which are supported by a central beam, and the beam is supported by posts underneath. Here are 5 signs you may have bathroom water damage: Musty smell - If you have a persistent, musty, damp smell in your bathroom, even after repeated cleanings, you may have mold and mildew in the walls and subfloor. your anxiety starts to kick it and worsen when the dizziness starts. Unfortunately, this could mean big repairs are on the horizon. The off balance/sinking into the ground feeling was the worst. I would be sitting there watching tv or reading a book, and suddenly it was like I was fainting and falling to the ground but I was perfectly still, or dropping in an elevator, like I was falling and moving towards the floor but everything around me was staying where it was even though I felt like I was . I had a VNG done to detect ear issues at the ENT but they say I do not have BPPV because that produces a spinning vertigo whereas I have an up and down sensation but I wonder if there are other ear issues that produce the feeling I'm having. Our experts at Ground Up Foundation Repair, point out the following reasons, as the leading causes of a sinking floor. Display as a link instead, Hope you all are having a good day no matter what . Settling in the foundation is a possible cause of your sinking floor. respect of any healthcare matters. All rights reserved. It takes practice but it can be done. I have had a CT scan of my brain already and it checked out good. No attacks in the AM. It is quite a small area on top of the staircase but it does feel like it is extending and getting worse. And considering niacin is one of the major B vitamins, I bet it has something to do with our balance or neurological processes related to feeling "level".although I never really looked into it further once I found a "cure." I sought the perfect opportunity to pull Amy aside and tell her something I was really confused about at the time considering I was only a little kid. It's what ensures the rest of your home stays solid and standing. Is there anything that helps it ? xx. 03:06. I hope this does not continue for you! No signs of MS. Never could find a cause. At ER it's always CTSCAN .. I described it to a new family Dr. and he just kind of smiled. Ime taking Cymbalta now and Percocet for fibromyalgia wondering it any of those things could make it worst? Over time, those floor joists, which comprise the wooden slat "roof" of your crawl space, may can weaken and cause major structural problems. When I get out of a train and elevator this symptom happens. Just letting you know you're not alone. The end result is intense squeezing and crushing feelings. Is it anxiety? They may also say that they feel . Has anyone ever experienced the feeling of having the floor bounce up for just a few seconds while walking? You will see your symptoms listed here. My legs cause me so many problems. Respect our needs as much as we do our best to respect yours. As soon as you notice it, it's a good idea to call in an expert. But I haven't told him. in our body is off. I thought it was depression! If your house is built on a solid foundation, it will be able to stand for decades without giving you any problems. . I think many manufacturers have Hot Lines, so that might be another avenue to pursue. Or right? 22 users are following. I was having the same symptoms. The worst. One weird symptom you may have heard about is the dreaded MS hug. Neurotologist is next step. It only lasts a few seconds. (I mean, obviously it is from within, it's not the damn floor. Help. Especially in the first year of POTS. Thank you so much. In the vast majority of cases, this causes walls to bow inward and outward, which is usually very noticeable. So I was diagnosed with epilepsy this year, and that led to me finally getting diagnosed with lupus. 615-624-1027, 2023 Ground Up Builders | Web Design and Development: Astute.Co. Even a bit of sinking or sagging can indicate that you have an uneven floor problem. I take topamax for headaches but this migraine has been lingering for days. This uses hydraulic pressure to help push piers into the soil. Your link has been automatically embedded. So much of my stuff I have just ignored or brushed off as 'weird me'It is nice to have a group of people who actualy understand..Cause you know the docs just look at you like you are crazy or something.. Does this sound familiar? I'm 45.. been feeling like this for about 5 or 6yrs now. Using 2 1/2-inch drywall screws, we drove screws down through the existing flooring into the cleat, spacing the screws close to 3 inches on center. I'd like you to try this: Put half a cup of bleach down the drain and let it sit for a few hours. YES! Your body needs rest - just focus on getting better and out into the fresh air etc and try to think positive and stop being scared of this feeling. If a proper ventilation system doesn't help, you probably have a moisture build up below the surface of walls or the floor. I'm wondering how long ago you stopped taking the Zoloft and how long you'd been on them. appropriate medical assistance immediately. Your muscles are tensing up etc without you even realising.. Google adrenaline and cortisol also.. these are all the things i researched when I felt this way. It might take time but you will be fine. It could be a sensation of falling, or whirling, or gently rocking. Content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them. discharged. Sitting or lying down is fine. It appears you have not yet Signed Up with our community. The only meds i am on is Synthroid. And it is so hard to describe. There. Notes on i have been feeling unbalanced and it feels like the floor is moving or sinking, Omygoodness my head is swaying so bad right now hasnt stopped . You may have a more massive load in your home than initially intended for your home design. Even if you had them before you went on the Zoloft, going cold turkey will make them very much worse. In my opinion, the most common causes are wood-eating insects, wood rot caused by water leaks, undersized beams and soil settlement. I believe this is all anxiety related. I sometimes could see the floor moving when my anxiety was the most out of control. feeling like the floor is sinking. I haven't been diagnosed with meniere's but the symptoms make sense to me. yes I am nervous and stressed most of the time. I'd like to share the data of a short haul flight, which also shows the effect: After takeoff at 1:00, the first "funny-stomach-drop" occured after just 1 minute and 500m above ground, another at 5:00 and 3500m. Yes, I did. Floor is bouncing or sinking while walking. I also have gallstones dont know if i mentioned earlier plus this heat/humidity we've been having in California and we're not use to makes migraines worse. It means your foundation hasn't just shifted, it really moved! An optomostrist told me that colors (especialy green and red) come from low BP. Copyright 2022 Dysautonomia Information Network If the floor is over a crawl space, this issue is often accompanied by mold problems as well. True. MRI is magnetic and ct SCAN is radiation . I had an ear problem a while back so this is probably connected. Yep, I appreciate this place too. I was surprised, actually. I'm feeling the same after Nepal earthquake 2015. It is in about a 3 foot by 3 foot section of the . I also would add (based on common sense and general knowledge) that anyone who has a heart condition check with their doctor to see if Niacin is a safe supplement to take. Its a really scary feeling and I'm scared it might go out of control while I'm at school. You can meet one of our team, learn more about the process, and find out what TLC your property needs. I don't feel lightheaded or like I'm going to black out. The first step in fixing your sinking floor repair is having it inspected by a professional, from an efficient certified repair company like Ground Up Foundation. Omg thank you so much Ive been worrying about this symptom a lot and because I never really thought it could be anxiety, its not spoken enough. I had these spells for a couple years, then finally I was referred to an ENT and an audiologist. Issues in your life need to be addressed. I'm trying to figure out because it's keeping me from working, and even getting out 19 thinking I might have this for the res of my life really sucks but I think I might accept it always having feelings I'm falling and things are moving I can't do this it's not fare on me. Anyone experience this and know the cause? Do not copy or redistribute in any form! It's a zone where the ocean floor is sinking into the interior of the Earth, going deeper and deeper until it melts. Chest pain, left arm tingling, ground falling, strange dizziness, spasms in the lower chest, head aches, excessive burping, ect. All rights reserved. I have a blood pressure machine and take it daily but it is always 120/80 normal not hypotensive. feeling like the floor is sinking. The illusory sensation of movement when you know that you are really not moving is called vertigo. If your floors begin to feel spongy, springy or bouncy, or if you notice the floorboards around you shifting when you walk on them, it could mean that it's time to replace the subfloor. I was told I was deficienthinking and took some vitamins only to have minimal impact on my levels. You might be wondering if your floor is on the verge of collapse. The neurologist, opthoneurologist, and cardiologist have no clue what is causing it. I actually think we can do fine on some meds for years, then suddenly have side effects appear out of the blue. Shutterstock/Mayuree Moonhirun. A negative thought that was fed by my fears. I'll try to notice these things next time. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_4" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_5" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. I dont have the off balance feeling but just have the dreaded feeling inside and cant shift it at all. Feeling like the floor is sinking or dropping. Positional vertigo episodes would only last 3 to 5 minutes I've Been Told. The sensation of suffocating or breathlessness. Has anyone gone through a period of time where it was very intense? Then I can have several days and sleep o.k. Our elite structural engineers will diagnose the foundation problems and tell you precisely what should be done. You cannot paste images directly. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Feels like the floor is moving anxiety symptom can range in intensity from slight, to moderate, to severe. I'm on my 3rd Neuro who said it's not a tumor it's depression/ anxiety and refered me to see a psychiatrist. A: Sagging floors are more common than you might think. The ENT says I should see a optometrist. I see your gynae said you can't be in pre-menopause because your periods are still regular. What is it? I get a feeling when I am walking that feels like the floor sinks down, it is very quick when it happens but can occur multiple times until I sit down. But also what's scaring me is when I walk I feel so heavy all over my body and like I'm sinking but I still feel like every time I walk the floor is sinking or Im stepping on a soft surface. this anxiety? Because of the strain, walls and ceilings may also develop cracks or break completely. For instance, more than one door will stick or swing, or a window won't shut or latch properly. Supporting post or beams have been removed, modified or cracked. One time I got off of an elevator that had a little drop at the end, when it adjusted its level to match the floor. I would start with a good ENT and if they dont find an issue, ask for a referral for vestibular therapy. Yours isnt because maybe the stress or anxiety has built up and up without being dealt with. Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use The floating sensation or feeling unbalanced is often associated with vertigo or an inner ear infection that can cause imbalance. Now that you have noticed your sagging floor, you may start wondering what might have caused it. This information describes peripheral neuropathy, including its causes and symptoms. Issues in your life need to be addressed. This is generally caused due to reduced blood flow to the brain, leading to poor oxygenation of the brain. Diaganol cracks that look like a 45-degree angle are even worse than horizontal cracks. You should always tell your doctor if this is the case. Sometimes I feel like I cant walk. I wish I could tell you what causes it. Thank you for this comment! Been to 3 ENT's. But games are meant to be won, and with our help and support, you too will win over anxiety and take control, Okay thank you so much for your comment it gave me relief. I get disoriented in my space. This sounds off-putting (understatement). I sort of blew it off as nothing, but maybe it wasn't nothing. You can try mediation, breath exercise, it is so helpful for the anxiety and help reduce panic attacks. But now that they are under control, I realize I am having this sleep problem anyway. I even got sent to an inner ear doctor and went through 3 months of rehab. Distract your mind from the symptoms and if they disappear or go down, you know it's anxiety. Do not feel like you are crazy! Your toilet is rocking or loose. Good morning! HI yes it happens once the motion stops or at least maybe i can't tell when the motion is occuring. I need to find a good ENT and will ask about vestibular therapy if they don't' find anything. If you were to take Mount Everest and drop it in the deepest part of the trench, you'd still have more than a mile of water above it. A related sensation, when you . Super weird. I've had numerous EKG's, blood tests and other things . Let me make it clear that these are not dreams. Trying to cry or scream for help, but having it come out as a soft voice. They are usually few and far between cause they specialize in this area.
Charlie Shrem Wife, Matematika Pracovny Zosit 8 Rocnik Odpovede, Western Illinois University Enrollment 1990, Mount Rite Italy Glass House, Articles F