Isaac takes a full heart if hurt by Blood Puppy and it drops a full red heart for every 10 enemies it kills. Enemies touching the head don't hurt Isaac, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Tainted Forgotten, Item Pool: Boss Room, Crane Game, Golden Chest, Drops 1 random rune or soul stone when picked up, Item Pool: Shop, Golden Chest, Mom's Chest, Old Chest, Each time you get hit, you drop a coin or two, REPENTANCE - No longer guaranteed to drop coins as The Keeper, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Challenge #15 (Slow Roll), * , the lost item pool, cent, gold, water, wet, blue, While held, Isaac has a significantly higher chance to find drops when breaking poops, Lowers your spacebar item charge rate by 1, Cannot lower the charge of your spacebar item below 1 room, For example, you will now be able to use a 3 room charge item after 2 rooms instead, Does the teleport effect every time you use your current spacebar item, Can be used infinitely every room if you have Guppy's Paw and no red heart containers (Can be exploited to get to the boss room without clearing any other rooms), Higher chance for champion enemies while held, Has a partial Magneto effect and will attract coins, pulling them into Isaac from a distance, Does not attract other pickups like the full Magneto item does, Increases your chances to find an Angel Room instead of a Devil Room, Normally there is a 50%/50% chance of a Angel or Devil room with if a door spawns after the boss. Join. ?, Satan and The Lamb as Tainted Bethany, Taking damage gives you a chance to spawn a flame orbital, similar to the ones created by Book of Virtues, Entering an Angel Room gives you +5 flame orbitals. While in this form you can walk over enemies to mark them for death. This shield stacks with Holy Mantle, giving you 2 free hits, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #5. The shield you gain recharges from leaving and entering rooms. chalice, indiana jones, * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, bird, white, Every time you use this item it deals 40 damage to all enemies in the room and Isaac also takes damage, The first use per room takes 1 full heart, then 0.5 hearts per use after that, Shields and invincibility effects do not prevent damage when using this item, Using with Isaac's Heart previously prevented you from taking damage, however in Repentance this was fixed, Using this item as The Lost will instantly kill him, even if you have Holy Mantle active, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Satan with Samson, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, razor, straight, edge, barber, bloody, brown, silver, Follows behind Isaac and can be swung back and forth, dealing 5 contact damage per tick to anything it hits, Every time the hairball kills an enemy, it grows in size allowing it to deal more damage, This is one of the items which allows you to transform into Guppy, Moving to a new floor decreases the size of the hairball, * devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, grey, brown, pile, guppys hairball, guppy hairball, A familiar that mirrors the player's movements and shoots tears directly at Isaac, Abel's tears do 3.5 damage, unless playing as Cain in which case they do 5, REPENTANCE - Abel now has an increased rate of fire, and will mirror to the other side of the room, even if it's off screen. Stat options are: +1.0 Damage, +0.6 Tears, +0.2 Speed, +5.25 Range, Also drops either a bomb, a key or 3 coins on the ground. Oct 27, 2022. Holy Mantle is the ultimate defensive-based item. * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, Isaac's touch now petrifies enemies, turning them to gold for a few seconds. box, yellow, grey, When used, converts 1 soul/black heart into 1 red heart container, This item will take from your soul hearts first, REPENTANCE - Converter now only costs one soul heart to use (previously costed two), * shop room pool, shop item pool, the lost item pool, blue, gray, grey, yellow, sprocket, When used, this item will spawn a set of items or consumables based on which chapter you are currently on, Basement 1: 2 Soul hearts. Holding the fire button charges a spin attack (Damage * 8 + 10). - Destroys all poops in the room and spawns a blue attack spider on every destroyed poop, Infested? cash money, When used, Isaac gains homing shots and +3.0 Range Up for the current room, Counts as 1 of 3 book items needed towards the Bookworm transormation, * library pool, library room, book room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, At 1 charge it deals 48 damage to any enemies close to Isaac. Based on the Steam Workshop mod (originally called Lightshot) created by Wyvern and TRPG, Pressing the CTRL key (R2 on PS4, RT on XB1, ZR on Switch) allows you to switch active items, Some items that give temporary effects like The Nail might deactivate if switched to the other slot, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #4, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by entering every Shop from the first floor up to Mom's Foot (Depths 2) in one run, Grants you a shield when entering the Boss Room, which prevents damage from 1 hit, then disappears. debug 3 - Full invulnerability. the lost item pool, cat, bone, pink, grey, gray, guppys paw, guppy paw, Gives a 1/3 chance for room clear rewards to become a normal or locked chest, and a 1/3 chance to reward nothing at all, Doesn't affect coins dropped after waves in Greed Mode, * curse room pool, red chest pool, red chest item pool, devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, Item Pool: Item Room, Super Sloth Miniboss, Bomb Beggar, * boss rush pool, boss rush room, item room, treasure room, item room pool, bob sloth, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Mother in the Corpse II as ??? ?, Satan and The Lamb as Tainted Lazarus, All new chests become locked Golden chests, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating Isaac, ?? A slow pulsing outline HUD effect appears for cards that would be buffed by Tarot Cloth, To see the full list of Tarot Card effects, check out the Mechanics > Tarot Cloth page, Every time you take damage, 10 high damage tears are fired in a circle around you (similar to the Tammy's Head effect), Tear damage is equal to Isaac's tear damage + 25 flat damage, Additionally, has a chance to activate the Anemic effect when taking damage for 2 seconds, Similar to Tammy's Head, this item synergizes with a lot of items (i.e. black, white, gray, grey, guppys tail, guppy tail, Upon use, the IV Bag takes half a red heart and spawns 1-3 coins (the same effect as a blood donation machine), Can drop from a blood donation machine after playing it, In the Womb and beyond this deals 1 full heart of damage, If no red hearts exist, other types of hearts are consumed instead, With the Keeper this is changed to spawning 0-1 coins per use instead, Item Pool: None (Blood donation machine only), Places a decoy on the floor which attracts enemies and explodes after a period of time, When it explodes, it deals 185 damage to everything in radius (Same damage as Mr Mega bombs), * item room, treasure room, item room pool, worst friend, dead, baby, pink, puppet, Bombs no longer automatically explode and will only do so when you activate the remote detonator, Can be used to detonate Dr. Fetus bombs early, * boss rush pool, boss rush room, shop room pool, shop item pool, item room, treasure room, Holding down the fire button again will quickly release all stored teared, The charge time and max tears stored scales with your current tears stat, Greatly reduce Isaac's size, to an extent where some enemy tears will now travel straight over him without dealing damage if they are high off the ground. Items picked up are not shared between the two characters, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Tainted Jacob, When activated, Isaac's tears are replaced by a bone sword and he goes on a killing rampage, gaining +0.4 Speed, +3 Flat Damage Up for 5 seconds, The sword deals x3 damage if used at close range, or x1.5 damage if charged up and thrown, Clearing rooms doesn't charge this item - charge is added equal to damage taken by enemies. Clots returning back to Eve deal 3x damage as they suck back in, The type of heart consumed to create a clot will give it different abilities: Soul Hearts = More health, Black Hearts = Dark Matter effect, Eternal Hearts = Sacred Heart effect, Gold Hearts = Midas Touch effect, Bone Hearts = Compound Fracture effect, Rotten Hearts = Less health, Tainted Eve starts with this item, but can be used by any character after unlocking it and finding it in the item room, UNLOCK: This item comes along with Tainted Eve. 23 days ago. The pick-ups which are NOT items, are the Pills, Tarot Cards and Trinkets. Unlocked from Challenge #24 - PAY TO PLAY, Power Pill - Gives you invulnerability and the ability to damage enemies for a short while (similar to The Gamekid effect), Re-Lax - Causes Isaac to spawn poops behind him while he walks for a few seconds. When you take the reverse path back up to Home, the trinket will turn into Cracked Key in the same floor/room you dropped it before. or Satan), The Wafer becomes most effective in the Womb and beyond where enemies all deal a whole heart of damage, The Wafer causes the Sharp Plug item to only cost 1/2 a heart per use, Has no effect with the Keeper - there's no such thing as half a coin health point, * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, Frozen enemies can be pushed into obstacles where they shatter on contact and fire ice shards around them. The first and second familiars spawn after 15 hits, then 30 hits for the third and fourth, Cambion Conception cannot grant more than 4 familiars in total, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating ??? Based on the Steam Workshop mod created by Ratlah, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by sleeping in 10 different beds, When used, this item will sacrifice up to 2 of your familiars (chosen at random), and spawn a random Devil Room item for each familar sacrificed this way, In addition to the familiars, any blue flies or spiders will be converted to 1 coin each, If Guardian Angel, Sworn Protector, or Seraphim is sacrificed, Satan will be extra happy and reward you with 2 black hearts, Incubus won't be sacrificed if you're playing as Lilith, If used while you have no familiar, this item will do nothing and won't consume the item, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #5. Both the box and trinket are consumed when this happens, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating Isaac, ?? Toxic Dips release a poison cloud when they move/die. debug 1 - Displays hitboxes of objects. See next icon for Tainted character effects, Isaac - All new pedestal items cycle through two options. * item room, treasure room, item room pool, white, purple, Gives Isaac the ability to fly and spectral tears, * devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, red, crescent, moon, drop, black, Creates 5 beams of light from the sky that deal damage equal to your tear damage + 20 to any enemies which come into contact with them, The beams have a high chance to spawn on top of enemies where possible, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, feather, white, arrow, Upon death, you respawn in the previous room as Blue Baby with three Soul hearts, This is a one time use item and all new heart containers will be soul hearts, Can be used to unlock some of Blue Baby's secrets before having the character available, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, black, grey, gray, extra life, egypt, grey, gray, Upon taking damage, you have a 20% chance to gain an invulnerability shield for 7 seconds, The chance to gain a shield is affected by your luck stat and at +27 Luck it will activate every time, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Chest with Maggy, * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, Isaac.Spawn (EntityType.ENTITY_PICKUP, PickupVariant.PICKUP_COLLECTIBLE, <item name>, <position vector>, <speed vector>, <entity spawner, you can just leave this as nil>) Isaac . or The Lamb, it will die instantly, Can also be thrown against a door to open it (Doesn't work against Mega Satan's door). If the enemy dies while in this state they will drop 1-4 coins, Rainbow poop Dips charm enemies and have a chance to spawn 1/2 a red heart on death. syringe, needle, injection, purple, grey, gray, Causes Isaac to shrink in size (including hitbox slightly), Can be dropped when exploding mushrooms in the environment that are usually found in the Caves/Catacombs and in secret rooms, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, mushroom, blue, spotted, Adds several instances of The Bible item into all item pools. The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth ID's I am a novice modder. The Red Key item is required to access it, but it shows the direction to get there, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Eve, Upon entering each new floor, if you have one red heart or less, another one is added, This effect works while moving up floors in the backwards path, This item has no effect for characters with non-red health i.e. ID: 191 . 1 Change Note Created by. Unlocked from the 'Dedication' achievement (participate in 31 dailies in a row), I'm Drowsy - Slows all enemies for the rest of the current room, I'm excited!!! (Does not change your trinkets, pills or cards), 2 Dot - Rerolls all pickups in the room. The longer the button is held the faster Gurdy will fling itself across the screen, Deals a fixed amount of damage depending on charge level, at lowest being ~5 and at max being ~20, Lil Gurdy bounces off of enemies and obstacles, A beggar head which floats around the room and picks up any nearby coins. Stat Down becomes Stat Up. orange, moms wig, Gives a chance to heal 1/2 a red heart every time the in-game timer hits a new minute, There are no restrictions on when the regeneration effect happens as long as the game is not paused, so you can simply afk and heal over time, It's possible to find this item by blowing up Polyps (the weird red rocks found in the Womb floors), * boss room pool, boss room item, the lost item pool, purple, red, lump, When you get hit, you will sometimes cause hearts to drop on the floor, The chance to drop hearts is affected by your luck stat and at +29 Luck it will activate 50% of the time, * boss room pool, boss room item, the lost item pool, plasters, white, Everytime a bomb explodes, it will release a circle of 10 tears outwards, much like the Tammy's Head effect, The tears from each bomb deal a flat 25 damage and are affected by any tear modifiers Isaac has, The tears caused by Sad Bombs are much larger and do a lot more damage than Isaac's normal tears, * boss rush pool, boss rush room, item room, treasure room, item room pool, crying, face, Isaac's tears now bounce off walls and objects in the environment, such as rocks and pots, Allows tears to hit the same enemy multiple times, If you also have Lost Contact, tears will bounce off enemy projectiles instead of being destroyed, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Mom's heart 2 times, Item Pool: Item Room, Greed Mode Item Room, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, orange, brown, bottle, jar, As you hold down the fire button, shots will float in the same place until you release the fire key again, Allows you to store up a lot of tears in the air and release them all at once, When the tears are released, they will fire off in the direction that Isaac was originally facing when it was created, * anti gravity, item room, treasure room, item room pool, anti gravity, atom, nucleus, All explosions now heal Isaac for 0.5 red hearts instead of hurting him, REPENTANCE - Pyromaniac now grants Isaac immunity to fire, but no longer protects against stomps or shockwaves.
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